Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Hey You! Yeah You!
This is it. My very first post on my very first blog and, finally, I have jumped to the bandwagon of blogging. Don't get me wrong, I did not mean to say (or rather write) it in a condescending way. It is just that I have been all over my head for several months whether I should start to post several of my passions in this fickle head of mine, as well as almost everything that I have come or came across with in my life. I guess you could say that this is my welcoming speech to this "momentous occasion" even though I think I have gone a bit over the top with my introductions.

As you read this post, I know that you are thinking about what this blog is all about. Well, the title really says it all. It is about life (my life mostly), it is about great comfort food, and it is about how to be successful in both aspects. So if you are excited as I am, feel free to visit sometime soon for my next blog posting adventure.

By the way, don't you think that the image looks great? I think that it is so fitting for my introductory post that I just got to have it. Anyway, I used Google to find this image and it certainly goes without saying that I do not own this particular image (you can find its link by clicking here). In any case, I hope you guys and gals enjoy your stay.

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